Sometimes I go thrift shopping with no real plan of what I'm looking for. I just wander around and see what I find. The day I found this skirt was one of those days. I had already been to a few shops and didn't really have any luck so I was feeling kind of "meh" about shopping by that point.

While walking down a long, tightly crammed skirt rack I saw the sequins and pink of this skirt pop right out at me. I pulled it out for a closer view and fell in love with it. I thought it might be original vintage at first because of the beautiful scenic print but its a modern skirt. I think it was originally from JC Penny or Kohls or something like that. It is covered in black sequins but the camera sadly couldn't capture the sparkle.

My wrap top is actually one of those modern trendy cardigans that are lightweight tee shirt material and kind of boxy but I think I'm going to sew it into a wrap top permanently. For now its tucked into my skirt to hold it in place.
There's a very pretty little park close to home that we walked to on this morning. It has a small pond surrounded by a little field of wildflowers. There's a gazebo that people rent for weddings and photos in the spring and summer.

There's a little border where the landscaping ends and the wild native plants take over and the city cuts a small path through it so you can explore closer to the pond's edge. I come here often in the spring and summer on our way to the playground with the kids but we don't often get to explore its beauty in the winter so I'm glad we did on this day.
top- from my sister
skirt- thrifted
flats- Walmart
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