Welcome Back to Va-Voom Vintage
It’s been a very long time since my last post here. I think there’s no better way to do something than to jump right in and do it so here I am! In the few years I’ve been away from blogging I’ve been raising chickens and kids and we homeschooled during covid which put this blog on the back burner. We had a lot of fun but the kids are happily back in school with their friends again and I’m ready to get back to doing the things I love to
I never thought I’d homeschool but with the options given during the pandemic, it seemed like the best for the kids. We converted my dining room into a classroom and also took our school work to the forest by the Missouri River every chance we got. We did read-alouds and science projects in the back yard and my husband taught math when he got home from work. I never went to college so I didn’t know how I’d do as a teacher but after they went back to school, they both came home with excellent grades, which made me very proud of them but also proud of myself for teaching them. It was a lot of fun but everyone is glad to be back, myself included.
In 2022 we took our time adjusting to the world of early morning bus stops, packing lunches, homework and life. I started a big garden, raised a small flock of chickens (who are extremely spoiled) and learned how to preserve the food I grew. I definitely missed sleeping in during home school mornings but the quiet afternoons home alone are absolutely wonderful.
I found myself putting most of my vintage wardrobe aside during that time too. Being stuck at home and doing messy projects, I stuck to comfy, wash and wear things a lot. Over the past few months I’ve been rooting through tubs of dresses and sewing patterns and making new Pinterest boards with pretty clothes that I want to wear.
I also started designing fabrics and opened my Spoonflower shop. I’ve spent most of my free time doing that and cross stitching, which are both things I always wanted to learn to do. This blog was such a big part of my life for so many years, it was strange to do things without documenting them. There’s been a lot of things I made that I never took pictures of. Through our homeschool days I realized that I absolutely love teaching and sharing things that interest me with someone else. Over the past few years I found myself thinking “wouldn’t this be fun to share on the blog?”
Blogging has changed so much since I’ve been away. Even the Blogger interface looks different so it’ll be fun learning to do blog stuff and use social media all over again.
Missing Photos and New Videos on Youtube
Oh you may also notice that tons of my old posts are missing photos! Major bummer. I was messing around in my web albums one night in 2019 when I got distracted and accidentally deleted entire albums of photos with a single click. Years of work gone! I’ve been able to find some of them on old memory cards or Pinterest pins but a lot of them are gone for good. I got in a funk about it for a while til one day I had an email from a reader. She asked of I had photos of one of my old hat tutorials because she learns much better with visual help. I realized that I’ll just have to go back and redo some of those old photos but this time, I can make YouTube videos to go with them!
Anyway, hello again, old friend. Welcome back to my blog. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to and any new, fun, kinda scary, weird things you’ve tried or places you visited in the past few years!