My crazy, poop-filled life
Hello, blogland
Long time, no see!!
This week has been absolutely insane with everything from my basement flooding with 3 inches of sewage to my computer being over-run with viruses. So, I'm wiping my whole computer and starting from scratch but I'll be back hopefully within the next few days. Yesterday was the day of the basement flooding and that same morning, Olivia decided to wake me up by smearing poop all over herself and her crib....ah, how delightful! The Mother's Curse hit me hard.
What is the Mother's Curse? That's when your mother says "some day, this will happen to YOU and THEN you will understand!"
When I was about 14, my little brother, Tristan was just a baby. One morning, I was woken up by my mother screaming, "NO NO NO, Shit! Damnit! Son of a....." you get the idea. I ran into the nursery to find my brother covered in poo and my mom having to clean up the mess. At the time, I thought that was pretty funny and then she turned around, her hair all wild and madness in her eye. She pointed at me and cursed me, "One day, this will happen to YOU and then, it won't be so funny!" and she wasn't kidding! Sorry for laughing, mom! :)
In other news, today is my 25th birthday! Pj got me a dozen beautiful roses, Julie and Julia on dvd (my favorite movie ever) and Mastering the Art of French Cooking!! We watched Iron Man 2, which was awesome and had chinese...YUM!
Saturday is Olivia's first birthday and we're throwing her a big lady bug themed birthday party!
Sunday is my two year wedding anniversary so Pj and I are going out without the baby to do something nice.
So, even though my week has been (literally) shitty, life isn't all bad! :)
I'm going to my mother in law's house to grab our windows disk so we can sweep our hard drive and as soon as that's done, I'll be back with lots of pretty pictures and crazy stories to tell!
See you soon!!
Long time, no see!!
This week has been absolutely insane with everything from my basement flooding with 3 inches of sewage to my computer being over-run with viruses. So, I'm wiping my whole computer and starting from scratch but I'll be back hopefully within the next few days. Yesterday was the day of the basement flooding and that same morning, Olivia decided to wake me up by smearing poop all over herself and her crib....ah, how delightful! The Mother's Curse hit me hard.
What is the Mother's Curse? That's when your mother says "some day, this will happen to YOU and THEN you will understand!"
When I was about 14, my little brother, Tristan was just a baby. One morning, I was woken up by my mother screaming, "NO NO NO, Shit! Damnit! Son of a....." you get the idea. I ran into the nursery to find my brother covered in poo and my mom having to clean up the mess. At the time, I thought that was pretty funny and then she turned around, her hair all wild and madness in her eye. She pointed at me and cursed me, "One day, this will happen to YOU and then, it won't be so funny!" and she wasn't kidding! Sorry for laughing, mom! :)
In other news, today is my 25th birthday! Pj got me a dozen beautiful roses, Julie and Julia on dvd (my favorite movie ever) and Mastering the Art of French Cooking!! We watched Iron Man 2, which was awesome and had chinese...YUM!
Saturday is Olivia's first birthday and we're throwing her a big lady bug themed birthday party!
Sunday is my two year wedding anniversary so Pj and I are going out without the baby to do something nice.
So, even though my week has been (literally) shitty, life isn't all bad! :)
I'm going to my mother in law's house to grab our windows disk so we can sweep our hard drive and as soon as that's done, I'll be back with lots of pretty pictures and crazy stories to tell!
See you soon!!
building a vintage wardrobe
vintage for beginners
vintage maternity
Building a Vintage Wardrobe: Retro Maternity
Since my wardrobe will be changing in a big way in the next few months, I've been planning ahead by ordering a few vintage maternity patterns and looking for places to find cute comfy clothes for the months ahead.
When I was pregnant with Olivia, I wore a lot of simple sun dresses, skirts, maternity jeans and extra long t-shirts. Maternity clothes can be VERY expensive so I hunted around the sale racks at Target for long, stretchy shirts, skirts with stretchy waistbands and the like. The only actual maternity clothes that I bought were jeans, since they had the stretchy belly panel.
As most of you know, I totally love 1940's fashions so I thought that I would build my little maternity wardrobe on 40's fashions also. YUCK! 1940's maternity clothes are (generally) not so cute at all! In fact, a lot of vintage maternity clothes are downright ugly.
The 40's styles had extremely boxy shoulders to make the mommy to be look like a football player in pajamas. Not too cute in my opinion, but that was the way things were back then!

They're aren't all awful, just look at this 1940's beauty by Vogue

However, check out those straps to keep your skirt up- probably not the most comfortable thing in the world.
Luckily, by the 50's designers realized that pregnant ladies are adorable and that their clothes should match their bodies. 50's maternity fashions were still very tent-like. Showing off the belly with stretchy t-shirts has only become popular within the past decade or so.
When my momma was pregnant with me in 1985, her clothes were still very much like a tent. But like I said, at least the 50's ones are cute tents with ruffles and peter pan collars! :)

If you're going all out vintage, you can find maternity patterns and ready made blouses on etsy and ebay. The ready made blouses that I found were WAY too expensive for my thirfty sensibilities, so I nabbed 4 patterns (for $30 including shipping) not to bad! Check out the sweet details on these smocks. Not only are they adorable, but they look quite comfy!!

Vintage maternity bottoms are quite strange. Some have holes cut out of the front so that your growing belly pops right through. Some have adjustable ties or hooks and eyes so that as your bun cooks, you can adjust the fabric to fit. In the 40's and 50's, expectant mommas wore a lot of pencil skirts (paired with smocks or jackets above) and a few even had cute capris, slacks and shorts for summer and beach wear.
For today's vintage momma-to-be, we can find modern maternity capris, stretch pants or skirts with stretch waist bands. The thicker waistbands are the most comfortable, in my opinion.

Much like bottoms, retro maternity dresses had pleats, gathers or adjustable panels in the front to allow excess fabric to be taken out as the belly grew bigger. Since showing the baby bump has become fashionable today, modern moms can wear regular vintage dresses (or modern sun dresses) long into their pregnancy.
Another fashionable thing for the momma to be is to take the rockabilly route with sweet swing dresses. Most retro reproduction clothing companies online offer their dresses in larger sizes to make room for your bump.

While many of us vintage gals love our heels and high wedges, they just aren't practical for a wobbly mommy. All mommas know that, once you reach that 3rd trimester, the pregnancy waddle tends to will kick in, some ladies feet and ankles swell and heels will be your WORST enemy. Being a momma is hard work so treat yourself with comfy shoes!
I lived in flats and very low wedges when I was pregnant the last time. I'm pretty sure that will be the same case this time around. Look for flats or other low-heeled shoes with cute details or dress them up on your own with little bows, shoe clips, flowers, etc.
A Word About Purses and Jewelry
If you're expecting your first baby, carry your purse as often as you can. In fact, change out your purses daily if you like. Soak up the purse love because once that baby is here, you'll be a diaper bag toting momma. Sure, you can carry a purse and a diaper bag if you like but after carrying my baby's car seat, my diaper bag, my purse, possible umbrella, coat and so on, I wanted to lighten the load pretty quickly!
Now, my wallet and a tube of lips are permanent residents in the diaper bag pocket. After the baby has arrived, savor date night and bring that long lost friend, your purse for a night on the town! The same goes for things like earrings and delicate necklaces. Wear them now and enjoy every minute of it! Babies are born with a reflex to grasp things and those sparkly, shinies dangling so beautifully by mommy's face will be the first thing they reach for.
If you're an earring lover like me, spend the next few months looking for the perfect clip-ons and screw backs. You can also re-string beaded necklaces with tiger tail (wire) so that when baby pulls, your beads won't be lost in the battle.I bought a bakelite beaded necklace and within two days, Olivia broke it! Luckily, I was at my mom's house so she helped me find all of the beads in the couch cushions and she re-strung it on tiger tail.
Under Things
Weather your a momma or a maiden, a slip is a must have. Most modern slips are very stretchy and have elastic waistbands. I found this 1940's slip and panty pattern on etsy. Check out the wrap-around back. This wrap and tie detail allows room for your belly to grow. The panties have an elastic waistband.

As your belly grows during pregnancy, so do your breasts! Weather or not you plan on breastfeeding, make sure to take good care of your breasts throughout pregnancy by moisturizing and wearing a great fitting bra. Experts suggest that a gal wear a bra at all times during pregnancy. The weight of your new breasts can put excess strain on muscles and ligaments so a supportive bra will help take some of the weight off. Sleep bras are a WONDERFUL thing!
During pregnancy, be sure to get fitted for a new bra every few months. If you're like me and went up to a G during pregnancy, most specialty bra or maternity stores can order abnormally gigantic bras! :) Look for bras who no under wire for comfort. Even if you're not breastfeeding, a nursing bra can be a very comfortable option during pregnancy and often allows more room for growth since the cups are made of stretchy fabric.
Also, if you're wearing your lovely vintage fashions, invest in a box of nursing pads, which slide right into your bra. Some gals leak in the later days of pregnancy and take my word for it, it can be enough to soak your entire shirt! Nursing pads soak up the fluid like a diaper, protecting you and your clothes from wetness and awkward moments. Keep them in your purse when you go out in case you need a fresh one. Ah, the joys of pregnancy!
For the Modern Vintage Gal
There are many days in every pregnant gals's life that she just doesn't feel pretty, doesn't want to feel pretty and just wants to sit around in her pajamas. Often on these days, the world requires her to leave the house for one reason or another and she has to get dressed.
For this reason, make sure to keep a super comfy pair of pants and a few cute t-shirts on hand. Even if you vow to be fashionable for all 40-ish weeks of your journey, keep those pants and t-shirts in the back of your closet.
Shop etsy and cafe press for adorable retro maternity t-shirts.
When I was pregnant with Olivia, I wore a lot of simple sun dresses, skirts, maternity jeans and extra long t-shirts. Maternity clothes can be VERY expensive so I hunted around the sale racks at Target for long, stretchy shirts, skirts with stretchy waistbands and the like. The only actual maternity clothes that I bought were jeans, since they had the stretchy belly panel.
As most of you know, I totally love 1940's fashions so I thought that I would build my little maternity wardrobe on 40's fashions also. YUCK! 1940's maternity clothes are (generally) not so cute at all! In fact, a lot of vintage maternity clothes are downright ugly.
The 40's styles had extremely boxy shoulders to make the mommy to be look like a football player in pajamas. Not too cute in my opinion, but that was the way things were back then!

They're aren't all awful, just look at this 1940's beauty by Vogue

However, check out those straps to keep your skirt up- probably not the most comfortable thing in the world.
Luckily, by the 50's designers realized that pregnant ladies are adorable and that their clothes should match their bodies. 50's maternity fashions were still very tent-like. Showing off the belly with stretchy t-shirts has only become popular within the past decade or so.
When my momma was pregnant with me in 1985, her clothes were still very much like a tent. But like I said, at least the 50's ones are cute tents with ruffles and peter pan collars! :)

If you're going all out vintage, you can find maternity patterns and ready made blouses on etsy and ebay. The ready made blouses that I found were WAY too expensive for my thirfty sensibilities, so I nabbed 4 patterns (for $30 including shipping) not to bad! Check out the sweet details on these smocks. Not only are they adorable, but they look quite comfy!!

Vintage maternity bottoms are quite strange. Some have holes cut out of the front so that your growing belly pops right through. Some have adjustable ties or hooks and eyes so that as your bun cooks, you can adjust the fabric to fit. In the 40's and 50's, expectant mommas wore a lot of pencil skirts (paired with smocks or jackets above) and a few even had cute capris, slacks and shorts for summer and beach wear.
For today's vintage momma-to-be, we can find modern maternity capris, stretch pants or skirts with stretch waist bands. The thicker waistbands are the most comfortable, in my opinion.

Much like bottoms, retro maternity dresses had pleats, gathers or adjustable panels in the front to allow excess fabric to be taken out as the belly grew bigger. Since showing the baby bump has become fashionable today, modern moms can wear regular vintage dresses (or modern sun dresses) long into their pregnancy.
Another fashionable thing for the momma to be is to take the rockabilly route with sweet swing dresses. Most retro reproduction clothing companies online offer their dresses in larger sizes to make room for your bump.

While many of us vintage gals love our heels and high wedges, they just aren't practical for a wobbly mommy. All mommas know that, once you reach that 3rd trimester, the pregnancy waddle tends to will kick in, some ladies feet and ankles swell and heels will be your WORST enemy. Being a momma is hard work so treat yourself with comfy shoes!
I lived in flats and very low wedges when I was pregnant the last time. I'm pretty sure that will be the same case this time around. Look for flats or other low-heeled shoes with cute details or dress them up on your own with little bows, shoe clips, flowers, etc.
A Word About Purses and Jewelry
If you're expecting your first baby, carry your purse as often as you can. In fact, change out your purses daily if you like. Soak up the purse love because once that baby is here, you'll be a diaper bag toting momma. Sure, you can carry a purse and a diaper bag if you like but after carrying my baby's car seat, my diaper bag, my purse, possible umbrella, coat and so on, I wanted to lighten the load pretty quickly!
Now, my wallet and a tube of lips are permanent residents in the diaper bag pocket. After the baby has arrived, savor date night and bring that long lost friend, your purse for a night on the town! The same goes for things like earrings and delicate necklaces. Wear them now and enjoy every minute of it! Babies are born with a reflex to grasp things and those sparkly, shinies dangling so beautifully by mommy's face will be the first thing they reach for.
If you're an earring lover like me, spend the next few months looking for the perfect clip-ons and screw backs. You can also re-string beaded necklaces with tiger tail (wire) so that when baby pulls, your beads won't be lost in the battle.I bought a bakelite beaded necklace and within two days, Olivia broke it! Luckily, I was at my mom's house so she helped me find all of the beads in the couch cushions and she re-strung it on tiger tail.
Under Things
Weather your a momma or a maiden, a slip is a must have. Most modern slips are very stretchy and have elastic waistbands. I found this 1940's slip and panty pattern on etsy. Check out the wrap-around back. This wrap and tie detail allows room for your belly to grow. The panties have an elastic waistband.

As your belly grows during pregnancy, so do your breasts! Weather or not you plan on breastfeeding, make sure to take good care of your breasts throughout pregnancy by moisturizing and wearing a great fitting bra. Experts suggest that a gal wear a bra at all times during pregnancy. The weight of your new breasts can put excess strain on muscles and ligaments so a supportive bra will help take some of the weight off. Sleep bras are a WONDERFUL thing!
During pregnancy, be sure to get fitted for a new bra every few months. If you're like me and went up to a G during pregnancy, most specialty bra or maternity stores can order abnormally gigantic bras! :) Look for bras who no under wire for comfort. Even if you're not breastfeeding, a nursing bra can be a very comfortable option during pregnancy and often allows more room for growth since the cups are made of stretchy fabric.
Also, if you're wearing your lovely vintage fashions, invest in a box of nursing pads, which slide right into your bra. Some gals leak in the later days of pregnancy and take my word for it, it can be enough to soak your entire shirt! Nursing pads soak up the fluid like a diaper, protecting you and your clothes from wetness and awkward moments. Keep them in your purse when you go out in case you need a fresh one. Ah, the joys of pregnancy!
For the Modern Vintage Gal
There are many days in every pregnant gals's life that she just doesn't feel pretty, doesn't want to feel pretty and just wants to sit around in her pajamas. Often on these days, the world requires her to leave the house for one reason or another and she has to get dressed.
For this reason, make sure to keep a super comfy pair of pants and a few cute t-shirts on hand. Even if you vow to be fashionable for all 40-ish weeks of your journey, keep those pants and t-shirts in the back of your closet.
Shop etsy and cafe press for adorable retro maternity t-shirts.
Femme Fatale Giveaway Winners and Hat Dreams
Thank you to everyone who entered my femme fatale giveaway and thank you to Nani of Wiggle Perfume for sending a bottle of her lovely product for the package! I had so much fun with femme fatale week that I have lots of other ideas for theme weeks jotted down in my blog notebook. The best part of giveaways for me is all of the links to new blogs! *hello, new readers!!:)*
As I mentioned in my reminder post, we have two winners for this giveaway. The winners names were drawn at random and here they are.....
the winner of the femme fatale package is.....beccapiepie!!
And the winner of the second scent by Wiggle perfume is.....Miss Emmi!!
Congratulations to you both!
Please email me at with your mailing address so I can ship your package out to you!
Thank you to everyone who entered! Stay tuned for another giveaway coming up in the next few days!
In other news, I had SO much fun fixing up that little hat for the giveaway that I have decided to make vintage inspired hats! I have always loved hats and have been collecting vintage hats for a few years now. As most of you know, I dream about hats, I'm always on the hunt for the perfect hat I just can't get enough of them.
I've been thinking about learning to make hats for quite a while and now, I'm finally going to do it!! I looked all over the place for millinery classes in my area but no luck! Can you believe that the whole of St Louis is completely void of millinery classes? Shocking, I know! Oh, well- like many of my hobbies, I will teach myself through trial and error and lots of reading.
I'll be making felt and fabric cloches, various cocktail hats, pillbox hats and so on. I'll be ordering supplies through Judith M very soon. I can't wait to get started!!
As I mentioned in my reminder post, we have two winners for this giveaway. The winners names were drawn at random and here they are.....
the winner of the femme fatale package is.....beccapiepie!!
And the winner of the second scent by Wiggle perfume is.....Miss Emmi!!
Congratulations to you both!
Please email me at with your mailing address so I can ship your package out to you!
Thank you to everyone who entered! Stay tuned for another giveaway coming up in the next few days!
In other news, I had SO much fun fixing up that little hat for the giveaway that I have decided to make vintage inspired hats! I have always loved hats and have been collecting vintage hats for a few years now. As most of you know, I dream about hats, I'm always on the hunt for the perfect hat I just can't get enough of them.
I've been thinking about learning to make hats for quite a while and now, I'm finally going to do it!! I looked all over the place for millinery classes in my area but no luck! Can you believe that the whole of St Louis is completely void of millinery classes? Shocking, I know! Oh, well- like many of my hobbies, I will teach myself through trial and error and lots of reading.
I'll be making felt and fabric cloches, various cocktail hats, pillbox hats and so on. I'll be ordering supplies through Judith M very soon. I can't wait to get started!!
fashion and film friday
A few of you mentioned Jessica Rabbit as your favorite femme fatale and it really got me thinking about all of the great vintage fashions in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
I remember watching this movie as a little girl, loving the Dolores's dresses and hats and Jessica's red hair and heels. When I started wearing vintage all the time, my sister lovingly teased me by yelling after me "DOLORES!!!"
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a late 80's comedy/mystery live action/animated film, set in 1947 Hollywood. When Eddie, a private detective is hired to investigate a sexy cartoon (voiced by Kathleen Turner) who may be cheating on her cartoon rabbit husband, he gets wrapped up in the wacky world of "toons" and the darkness that is invading their world.

In the middle of his irritating investigations, he struggles to maintain his relationship with his girlfriend, Dolores.
Costumes for Who Framed Roger Rabbit were designed by Joanna Johnston, who is no stranger to historic fashions. She worked on costumes for some of my favorite fashion flicks: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Far and Away, Forest Gump, and Valkyrie.
Fashion and Film Friday: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
A few of you mentioned Jessica Rabbit as your favorite femme fatale and it really got me thinking about all of the great vintage fashions in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a late 80's comedy/mystery live action/animated film, set in 1947 Hollywood. When Eddie, a private detective is hired to investigate a sexy cartoon (voiced by Kathleen Turner) who may be cheating on her cartoon rabbit husband, he gets wrapped up in the wacky world of "toons" and the darkness that is invading their world.
Costumes for Who Framed Roger Rabbit were designed by Joanna Johnston, who is no stranger to historic fashions. She worked on costumes for some of my favorite fashion flicks: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Far and Away, Forest Gump, and Valkyrie.
I am really loving this Jessica Rabbit makeup by -fabulous-!! |
Last days to enter my giveaway!
Don't forget, tomorrow is the last day to enter the Femme Fatale Giveaway featuring wiggle perfume! To enter click here
I am loving reading all of your comments about who is your favorite femme fatale!
Oh, more good news, Nani from Wiggle Perfume and Sundries was sweet enough to send me not one but TWO bottles of her lovely scents so one lucky winner will take home the femme fatale package and I will draw a second name for the winner of her amazing spicy but sweet fragrance, "Mathilde". Nani says this about Mathilde:
"I just knew this blend was meant to be when one of my very best customers wrote to say how much she liked Martine, but she wished for a sugary twist to it. She wasn't sure what, but knew she'd want it to have something earthy and deep to ground the sweetness. See, I had just been in my garden, deadheading my lavender plant, the moment before I read her message. I was thinking how my favorite characteristic of lavender is its black peppery kick, and how someday I really need to do a blend based on those two notes. So, since disobeying fate is asking for it, I dropped everything and whipped on a pair of gloves. A heavy pour of lavender essential oil, a dash of vanilla, a big wallop of black pepper, a splash of blood orange essential oil, and a drop of cardamon later...Mathilde was born.
I feel I should mention that this scent has more than once stopped my husband (who is wonderfully supportive, but has smelled every perfume I've ever made and can no longer quite tell them apart) dead in his tracks. He comments everytime he walks into a room where I've sprayed it, and insists that I wear it at least 80% of the time from now on." The winner will be announced on Friday morning!
In other news, thank you SO much to all of you lovely ladies with nausea advice. I don't know who had the best advice because I tried all of them and they all work! It could be one thing, could be a combination of all of them but either way I'm up and moving, cleaning house having fun and feeling SO much better!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I am loving reading all of your comments about who is your favorite femme fatale!
Oh, more good news, Nani from Wiggle Perfume and Sundries was sweet enough to send me not one but TWO bottles of her lovely scents so one lucky winner will take home the femme fatale package and I will draw a second name for the winner of her amazing spicy but sweet fragrance, "Mathilde". Nani says this about Mathilde:
"I just knew this blend was meant to be when one of my very best customers wrote to say how much she liked Martine, but she wished for a sugary twist to it. She wasn't sure what, but knew she'd want it to have something earthy and deep to ground the sweetness. See, I had just been in my garden, deadheading my lavender plant, the moment before I read her message. I was thinking how my favorite characteristic of lavender is its black peppery kick, and how someday I really need to do a blend based on those two notes. So, since disobeying fate is asking for it, I dropped everything and whipped on a pair of gloves. A heavy pour of lavender essential oil, a dash of vanilla, a big wallop of black pepper, a splash of blood orange essential oil, and a drop of cardamon later...Mathilde was born.
I feel I should mention that this scent has more than once stopped my husband (who is wonderfully supportive, but has smelled every perfume I've ever made and can no longer quite tell them apart) dead in his tracks. He comments everytime he walks into a room where I've sprayed it, and insists that I wear it at least 80% of the time from now on." The winner will be announced on Friday morning!
In other news, thank you SO much to all of you lovely ladies with nausea advice. I don't know who had the best advice because I tried all of them and they all work! It could be one thing, could be a combination of all of them but either way I'm up and moving, cleaning house having fun and feeling SO much better!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
vintage maternity
Big News, Big Wardrobe Change
Well-After a few weeks of feeling like HELL, I went to the doctor today and found out that I'm going to be a momma again! Gee, that really explains the feeling like I want to vomit all the time.
According to my doctor, I'm due on April 26th! We'll find out the gender of the baby right after Thanksgiving. I have a REALLY strong feeling that this baby is a boy.
Last week I JUST packed away the last of my maternity clothes and now I'll have to drag them out again! With my last pregnancy, I wore a lot of stretchy pants and t-shirt outfits and I'm really going to try to not do that this time around. Since this blog is founded on the "curvy gal" I'll still sty true to that theme, I'll just get curvier! :) I just bought a few vintage maternity patterns so with any luck at all, I'll get a little sewing in before the move!
Anyways, I don't know how often I will be posting in the next month or so. When I was pregnant with Olivia my first trimester was horrific. My morning sickness was so severe that I had to be on medication just to keep water and crackers down. This time around, I've been drinking a TON of peppermint tea (which really helps) and eating plenty of bland foods. If any of you mommas out there have any good morning sickness remedies, please do share!! I'm doing my best to battle the nausea since I have to take care of Olivia too. So, if I disappear for a week or so, it's because I have my head in the toilet but I'll be back! :D
What am I craving, do you wonder? Funny as it is, all I want are fruits and veggies! I can't eat meat or eggs (or even smell them) and I crave fruit, yogurt, cereal (with soymilk) and mostly healthy things (except for french fries). Although, I did wake up the other morning and as soon as my eyes popped open I said to Pj "I want cheesecake!!!"
With life changes always come blog changes but I'm not losing sight of my love of vintage! Amanda bought me a few baby care books from the 50's and 60's a few months ago, so I think I'll scan and share some of them with you. We'll still have lots of curvy gal fashions, friday movie nights for the remainder of 2010 and since we'll be moving, you'll get to see my home decor, which has always been retro and antiques. If moving into this house all pans out for us, I'll get to decorate my retro kitchen, paint the walls, and I also have great plans for a very Mad Men style guest area in the basement! :) I am a home decorating fanatic so I hope you'll enjoy joining me on my new home decor adventures!
After the initial pregnancy yuck passes, I'll be feeling glamorous again and will continue with tutorials and other fun things. So, my life is very up-in-the-air right now but I feel like it really has fun, good things in store and as life brings new, exciting things my way, it always transfers to my blog. I'm really excited to share of these fun, crazy times with blogland!
According to my doctor, I'm due on April 26th! We'll find out the gender of the baby right after Thanksgiving. I have a REALLY strong feeling that this baby is a boy.
Last week I JUST packed away the last of my maternity clothes and now I'll have to drag them out again! With my last pregnancy, I wore a lot of stretchy pants and t-shirt outfits and I'm really going to try to not do that this time around. Since this blog is founded on the "curvy gal" I'll still sty true to that theme, I'll just get curvier! :) I just bought a few vintage maternity patterns so with any luck at all, I'll get a little sewing in before the move!
Anyways, I don't know how often I will be posting in the next month or so. When I was pregnant with Olivia my first trimester was horrific. My morning sickness was so severe that I had to be on medication just to keep water and crackers down. This time around, I've been drinking a TON of peppermint tea (which really helps) and eating plenty of bland foods. If any of you mommas out there have any good morning sickness remedies, please do share!! I'm doing my best to battle the nausea since I have to take care of Olivia too. So, if I disappear for a week or so, it's because I have my head in the toilet but I'll be back! :D
What am I craving, do you wonder? Funny as it is, all I want are fruits and veggies! I can't eat meat or eggs (or even smell them) and I crave fruit, yogurt, cereal (with soymilk) and mostly healthy things (except for french fries). Although, I did wake up the other morning and as soon as my eyes popped open I said to Pj "I want cheesecake!!!"
With life changes always come blog changes but I'm not losing sight of my love of vintage! Amanda bought me a few baby care books from the 50's and 60's a few months ago, so I think I'll scan and share some of them with you. We'll still have lots of curvy gal fashions, friday movie nights for the remainder of 2010 and since we'll be moving, you'll get to see my home decor, which has always been retro and antiques. If moving into this house all pans out for us, I'll get to decorate my retro kitchen, paint the walls, and I also have great plans for a very Mad Men style guest area in the basement! :) I am a home decorating fanatic so I hope you'll enjoy joining me on my new home decor adventures!
After the initial pregnancy yuck passes, I'll be feeling glamorous again and will continue with tutorials and other fun things. So, my life is very up-in-the-air right now but I feel like it really has fun, good things in store and as life brings new, exciting things my way, it always transfers to my blog. I'm really excited to share of these fun, crazy times with blogland!
Personal Style Alphabet Challenge
I saw this personal style alphabet challenge on Deer Little Fawn last week. I thought it looked like a lot of fun, so here is my personal style alphabet. Can't wait to see yours!
A is for apron
B is for bullet bras and bakelite
C is for cat's eye sunglasses
D is for dress
E is for earrings
F is for french net
G is for garter belt
H is for hats
I is for iconic
J is for jewelry
K is for knits
L is for lucite
M is for mustard (the color)
N is for nylons
O is for old fashioned
P is for polka dots
Q is for quite cool!
R is for retro
S is for snoods
T is for tooled leather
U is for umbrella
V is for Vogue
W is for wedges
X is for XL
Y is for yard sale
Z is for zipper
A is for apron
B is for bullet bras and bakelite
C is for cat's eye sunglasses
D is for dress
E is for earrings
F is for french net
G is for garter belt
H is for hats
I is for iconic
J is for jewelry
K is for knits
L is for lucite
M is for mustard (the color)
N is for nylons
O is for old fashioned
P is for polka dots
Q is for quite cool!
R is for retro
S is for snoods
T is for tooled leather
U is for umbrella
V is for Vogue
W is for wedges
X is for XL
Y is for yard sale
Z is for zipper

I hope that everyone has had fun with Femme Fatale week, I know I have! :) Today, we're wrapping up with a fabulous femme fatale giveaway. It's been a long time since I've hosted a giveaway. To go with the Femme Fatale theme of the week, I've teamed up with Nani of Wiggle Perfume and Sundries to bring you this Femme fatale giveaway package.

Nani is a burlesque performer, lover of all things vintage and owner of the fabulous etsy shop, Wiggle Perfume and Sundries. Wiggle Perfumes are hand blended, rich, sultry perfume oils. The shop offers $2.00 samples so you can easily find your favorite. Once you find your signature scent, perfume oils are available in 5ml and 15ml bottles.
How to Enter
*Be a follower of my blog and leave a comment below, telling me who your favorite femme fatale is. Your favorite femme can be a historical person, a vintage film noir gal or a femme fatale from modern media.
*For an extra 3 entries, leave a link to my giveaway on your blog, facebook or twitter.
The Goods

One lucky winner will receive this package which includes:
*black vintage handbag with red lining
*a pair of black vintage gloves with black embroidered detail
*vintage black hat, re-vamped by me (with jet black feathers and new veil)
*a bottle of a sultry scent by Wiggle Perfume

This giveaway will start today, Saturday September 18th 2010 and will end on Thursday, September 22, 2010. The winner will be announced on Friday morning. This giveaway is open worldwide to followers of my blog. Good luck!
**Please note that this giveaway has ended and the winners have been announced. Thank you to everyone who entered and congrats to the winners! More giveaways coming in the future!!**
Femme Fatale Giveaway Featuring Wiggle Perfume-Closed
I hope that everyone has had fun with Femme Fatale week, I know I have! :) Today, we're wrapping up with a fabulous femme fatale giveaway. It's been a long time since I've hosted a giveaway. To go with the Femme Fatale theme of the week, I've teamed up with Nani of Wiggle Perfume and Sundries to bring you this Femme fatale giveaway package.

Nani is a burlesque performer, lover of all things vintage and owner of the fabulous etsy shop, Wiggle Perfume and Sundries. Wiggle Perfumes are hand blended, rich, sultry perfume oils. The shop offers $2.00 samples so you can easily find your favorite. Once you find your signature scent, perfume oils are available in 5ml and 15ml bottles.
How to Enter
*Be a follower of my blog and leave a comment below, telling me who your favorite femme fatale is. Your favorite femme can be a historical person, a vintage film noir gal or a femme fatale from modern media.
*For an extra 3 entries, leave a link to my giveaway on your blog, facebook or twitter.
The Goods
One lucky winner will receive this package which includes:
*black vintage handbag with red lining
*a pair of black vintage gloves with black embroidered detail
*vintage black hat, re-vamped by me (with jet black feathers and new veil)
*a bottle of a sultry scent by Wiggle Perfume
This giveaway will start today, Saturday September 18th 2010 and will end on Thursday, September 22, 2010. The winner will be announced on Friday morning. This giveaway is open worldwide to followers of my blog. Good luck!
**Please note that this giveaway has ended and the winners have been announced. Thank you to everyone who entered and congrats to the winners! More giveaways coming in the future!!**
fashion and film friday
Fashion and Film Friday: Film Noir
This week's Fashion and Film Friday will cover a few of my favorite film noir flicks. Film Noir movies are dark dramas usually centered around crime and mystery. Classic Film Noir movies came out in the 40's and 50's. Our lovely femme fatale character came from the film noir genre.
There a lots of excellent examples out there and many are available through Netflix. Do share your favorite title in a comment below. These film noir classics will whet your appetite for dark dramas and they're all fantastic examples of femme fatale fashions.
The Maltese Falcon 1941 - (1941, John Huston) (Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, Mary Astor)
Double Indemnity- (1944, Billy Wilder) (Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson)

The Big Sleep - (1946, Howard Hawks) (Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely)

Gilda - (1946, Charles Vidor) (Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George Macready)

The Postman Always Rings Twice - (1946, Tay Garnett) (Lana Turner, John Garfield, Cecil Kellaway)

We'll be wrapping up Femme Fatale Week tomorrow with a fabulous giveaway featuring Wiggle Perfume. Stay tuned.....
There a lots of excellent examples out there and many are available through Netflix. Do share your favorite title in a comment below. These film noir classics will whet your appetite for dark dramas and they're all fantastic examples of femme fatale fashions.
The Maltese Falcon 1941 - (1941, John Huston) (Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, Mary Astor)
Double Indemnity- (1944, Billy Wilder) (Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson)

The Big Sleep - (1946, Howard Hawks) (Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely)

Gilda - (1946, Charles Vidor) (Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George Macready)

The Postman Always Rings Twice - (1946, Tay Garnett) (Lana Turner, John Garfield, Cecil Kellaway)

We'll be wrapping up Femme Fatale Week tomorrow with a fabulous giveaway featuring Wiggle Perfume. Stay tuned.....
Etsy Shop Update: Fabulous 50's frocks!
Okay, we interrupt femme fatale week to bring you an etsy shop update!
I'm really excited because we're clearing out our modern vintage (60's-80's) to make room for all of our amazing 40's-early 60's stuff. Bees Knees Vintage will only be carrying the older vintage items that we all love from now on! *yay*
Amanda has been working hard, using her excellent taste and mad bargaining skills to hunt down all of the older goods in St Louis to build up our inventory. I've taken over listings and customer service. I've had these killer 50's dresses for a long time and I've been dying to get them listed.I worked all day taking pics so here are some of our fabulous 50's frocks...with plenty more to follow!
You can view details and more pics of all of these dresses on Bees Knees Vintage Clothing
Thanks for looking!! :)
50's shirtwaist dress by Queen Make Fashions

50's Swing dress with matching belt by Paul Sachs

50's Cotton Egyptian Novelty Print Dress

50's Cotton Woven dress with matching jacket

Strapless Swing Dress with Matching Bolero by Ellen Kaye

50's-60's Plus Size Wiggle Dress with brooch by Marshall Field and Company

I'm really excited because we're clearing out our modern vintage (60's-80's) to make room for all of our amazing 40's-early 60's stuff. Bees Knees Vintage will only be carrying the older vintage items that we all love from now on! *yay*
Amanda has been working hard, using her excellent taste and mad bargaining skills to hunt down all of the older goods in St Louis to build up our inventory. I've taken over listings and customer service. I've had these killer 50's dresses for a long time and I've been dying to get them listed.I worked all day taking pics so here are some of our fabulous 50's frocks...with plenty more to follow!
You can view details and more pics of all of these dresses on Bees Knees Vintage Clothing
Thanks for looking!! :)
50's shirtwaist dress by Queen Make Fashions
50's Swing dress with matching belt by Paul Sachs
50's Cotton Egyptian Novelty Print Dress
50's Cotton Woven dress with matching jacket
Strapless Swing Dress with Matching Bolero by Ellen Kaye
50's-60's Plus Size Wiggle Dress with brooch by Marshall Field and Company
Femme Fatale Fashions
The femme fatale style can be very easy to achieve. You can go all out vintage or mix modern clothes with vintage inspired accessories. These wardrobe staples were inspired by some of the greatest Film Noir femmes of all time.
The Femme Fatale Color Scheme
I really don't think that there are any rules when it comes to the colors of a femme fatale wardrobe. A lady can look just as mysterious in white as she does in black.
That's what I call "white hot!"
Personally, I love jewel tones such as deep purples, greens, blue and burgundy. Black, gray and bold reds are all good choices for a femme fatale.
Fatal Fabrics
*When it comes to vintage staples of any kind, wool is always a sophisticated pick. Look for wool skirts, jackets, well fitting sweaters and suits.
*Slinky fabrics such as silk, satin and some synthetic blends are also perfect choices. For interest, pair a matte satin blouse with a patterned wool skirt or shiny silk with a solid color skirt. Show off your curves with stretch fabrics such as a light jersey, which drapes nicely over the body.
Outfit Basics
A little black dress (or other killer dress)- The little black dress is a classic and very versatile piece. While we probably wouldn't wear the Ava Gardner number below, we can find a more toned-down dress with femme fatale qualities. You're "little black dress" doesn't have to be black, either. If you're feeling saucy, go for red (or any other color!)
blouses with feminine details
The classic femmes always had some of the prettiest blouses. Look for tops with lace, a bit of beading, frills, delicate buttons, etc. These blouses can be paired with a sexy skirt or with your favorite jeans or capris for everyday wear.
Vintage sweaters always make me think of the bullet-bra wearing femme fatale Mamie Van Doren in High School Confidential but the elegant (and much toned-down) Jean Simmons is a perfect example of how to achieve the vintage sweater look without the need for torpedo breasts! Simply tuck it in and add a belt.
long coat
Long coats and jackets are good for rainy days, snowy days and keeping incognito in a dark alley! My favorite long-coat wearing femme fatale is Elle Driver from Kill Bill. God, I LOOOOVE this coat!! I feel a tutorial coming on!!
vintage inspired suits and jackets
A lovely feminine suit gives a professional put-together look and is still very glamorous. For curvy gals, a vintage suit can be hard to find. You can sew your own (using some of the Vintage Vogue re-release 1940's suit patterns) or pair jackets and skirts of similar colors and patterns. I STILL don't have a suit, but in the fall, I wear this handmade pencil skirt with this modern thrift store jacket. The pattern and weave isn't exactly the same but it's pretty close!
Accessorize to Kill
long or short gloves always add drama to an outfit. One tidbit of advice, avoid yellow gloves, even really pale yellow! I bought a pair of pale yellow gloves a few months ago, thinking they would look great with all of my blue dresses. Not so much, they look like dish gloves! *lol*
Scarf or Wrap
a long, bold colored scarf or a short ascot type gives you a touch of glamor. Fur or faux fur wraps stoles and collars dress up your look.
The fun really begins with hats! A Lauren Bacall beret is a femme fatale classic but don't be afraid to thick outside the box with crazy shapes, feathers, veils, etc.
Nothing says mystery like a great pair of sunglasses. Many vintage sunglasses have prescription lenses. If you're crafty, you can push out the old lenses and cut new non-prescription lenses from a cheap $1 store pair of sunglasses. Sand them to the desired shape and carefully glue into place. Look around modern sunglasses racks too. You never know what you might find.
Get creative and don't be afraid to mix modern with vintage. There are a LOT of great modern garments with vintage flair. Pair a modern blouse from Target with a thrift store pencil skirt, top it off with a vintage hat and you're ready to go! Have fun, ladies! :)
The Femme Fatale Color Scheme
I really don't think that there are any rules when it comes to the colors of a femme fatale wardrobe. A lady can look just as mysterious in white as she does in black.
That's what I call "white hot!"
Personally, I love jewel tones such as deep purples, greens, blue and burgundy. Black, gray and bold reds are all good choices for a femme fatale.
Fatal Fabrics
*When it comes to vintage staples of any kind, wool is always a sophisticated pick. Look for wool skirts, jackets, well fitting sweaters and suits.
*Slinky fabrics such as silk, satin and some synthetic blends are also perfect choices. For interest, pair a matte satin blouse with a patterned wool skirt or shiny silk with a solid color skirt. Show off your curves with stretch fabrics such as a light jersey, which drapes nicely over the body.
Outfit Basics
A little black dress (or other killer dress)- The little black dress is a classic and very versatile piece. While we probably wouldn't wear the Ava Gardner number below, we can find a more toned-down dress with femme fatale qualities. You're "little black dress" doesn't have to be black, either. If you're feeling saucy, go for red (or any other color!)
blouses with feminine details
The classic femmes always had some of the prettiest blouses. Look for tops with lace, a bit of beading, frills, delicate buttons, etc. These blouses can be paired with a sexy skirt or with your favorite jeans or capris for everyday wear.
Vintage sweaters always make me think of the bullet-bra wearing femme fatale Mamie Van Doren in High School Confidential but the elegant (and much toned-down) Jean Simmons is a perfect example of how to achieve the vintage sweater look without the need for torpedo breasts! Simply tuck it in and add a belt.
long coat
Long coats and jackets are good for rainy days, snowy days and keeping incognito in a dark alley! My favorite long-coat wearing femme fatale is Elle Driver from Kill Bill. God, I LOOOOVE this coat!! I feel a tutorial coming on!!
vintage inspired suits and jackets
A lovely feminine suit gives a professional put-together look and is still very glamorous. For curvy gals, a vintage suit can be hard to find. You can sew your own (using some of the Vintage Vogue re-release 1940's suit patterns) or pair jackets and skirts of similar colors and patterns. I STILL don't have a suit, but in the fall, I wear this handmade pencil skirt with this modern thrift store jacket. The pattern and weave isn't exactly the same but it's pretty close!
Accessorize to Kill
long or short gloves always add drama to an outfit. One tidbit of advice, avoid yellow gloves, even really pale yellow! I bought a pair of pale yellow gloves a few months ago, thinking they would look great with all of my blue dresses. Not so much, they look like dish gloves! *lol*
Scarf or Wrap
a long, bold colored scarf or a short ascot type gives you a touch of glamor. Fur or faux fur wraps stoles and collars dress up your look.
The fun really begins with hats! A Lauren Bacall beret is a femme fatale classic but don't be afraid to thick outside the box with crazy shapes, feathers, veils, etc.
Nothing says mystery like a great pair of sunglasses. Many vintage sunglasses have prescription lenses. If you're crafty, you can push out the old lenses and cut new non-prescription lenses from a cheap $1 store pair of sunglasses. Sand them to the desired shape and carefully glue into place. Look around modern sunglasses racks too. You never know what you might find.
Get creative and don't be afraid to mix modern with vintage. There are a LOT of great modern garments with vintage flair. Pair a modern blouse from Target with a thrift store pencil skirt, top it off with a vintage hat and you're ready to go! Have fun, ladies! :)
How To be A Femme Fatale
It's Femme Fatale week and today, I'm sharing a longer, more detailed version of my How to be a Femme Fatale article. I had so much fun writing this, since it's very tongue-in-cheek! As we all know from my post on historical femme fatales, being a true deadly dame isn't probably the wisest choice but we cal all "play", right? :)
The definition of a Femme Fatale is a seductive and alluring, mysterious woman who charms her lovers and leads them into dangerous and even deadly situations. The translation of "femme fatale" means "deadly woman". Read these 15 steps to learn how to be a femme fatale...
Look Like a Femme Fatale
1.) Makeup- blood red, glossy lips and dark, full lashes. The rest is just for fun. Play with fake lashes and use a great mascara. My signature mascara that I've used since middle school is Maybelline Full n' Soft. You get great length and a lot of fullness. I use the black waterproof formula because when a femme dives from a window into a river to escape danger, she doesn't want her mascara to run!
2.)Clothing- You have to have a wiggle! A femme fatale can walk into any smoky, dimly lit room and get the attention of every man in the joint. Accentuate your curves with a great fitting bra, girdle or waist cincher. Wear a wiggle dress or pencil skirt in dark colors. Black is great but nothing says mystery to me like burgundy, deep jewel green, navy, ruby red, sapphire blue, rich purple and my favorite- gray. Mix heavy fabrics like wools with slinky silks and satins.
3.)Accessories- Mystery, danger, sexy... great 1940's sunglasses, a hat with a veil, black gloves, fedoras, fur collars or stoles, caplets, long jackets and the like. When I think of a femme fatale, I think of gorgeous high heels too-but make sure they aren't too high or too uncomfortable. A femme fatale always moves with grace and doesn't clunk around like an exhausted horse. There is nothing sexy about a woman who can't walk in heels.
A femme fatale is always dodging danger and finding herself in compromising positions, so you need to be able to move in those shoes! If you're a smoker, a vintage cigarette case is a must. If you're a non-smoker, keep a pretty vintage compact in your purse and pull it out to re-apply lipstick.
4.)Hair- All classic femmes fatales had luxurious, silky hair. Waves, curls, victory rolls, a great up-do to expose the length of your neck are all good options for hair. Keep it looking fab with a dab of shine serum.
5.)Find your Scent- Leave your aroma hanging in the air. You have to have a seductive and tempting scent. A femme's scent should be womanly and feminine but not too fruity. You don't want to smell like the girl's locker room in high school! When it comes to perfume, a little bit goes a long way. When you sashay across the lounge and slide cooly across the leather seat of a bar stool, next to an unsuspecting fella, you don't want him to pass out and hit the floor on account of your strong perfume!
When in doubt, spray your perfume in the air in front of you and walk into it. When you buy something new, wear it at home for a day as a trial run to make sure that it mixes well with your body chemistry. Speaking of knocking a man out with your scent, make sure to keep some mints in your handbag, bombshells!
He doesn't want to smell chili cheese fries when you're whispering your dark secrets into his ear. Go for mints, not gum. An alluring lady probably doesn't smack away on gum all night. When you have a signature fragrance, every time he smells it, he'll think of you!
Have a Femme Fatale Personality
1.)Have a great sense of Humor- a lot of people think that a femme fatale is always dark, brooding and dramatic- not the case at all! A femme has charm and charisma. There is nothing sexier than a great sense of humor and a gorgeous smile.
Have a few good jokes up your sleeve, even a bit on the naughty side. Don't be afraid to laugh. In fact, laugh with your whole body! Toss your head back a little, use the tip of your finger, to wipe a tear of laughter from the corner of your eye (be careful not to smudge your eye liner, of course!). A femme fatale is clever and sharp witted. It wouldn't hurt to have a few quick responses to common statements. Here are a few light-hearted quotes from classic femmes fatales:
“Darling, the legs aren’t so beautiful, I just know what to do with them.”-Marlene Dietrich
“If you always do what interests you, at least one person will be pleased.”-Katherine Hepburn
“Be yourself. The world worships the original.”-Ingrid Bergman
“I’m afraid of nothing except being bored.”-Greta Garbo
"Don’t keep a man guessing too long–he’s sure to find the answer somewhere else.”-Mae West
“Is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?”-Mae West

2.)Be Independent and Self Sufficient-Be able to buy your own drinks, open your own doors and drive your own car. Be strong and don't be afraid to take charge if you need to. It is always acceptable to allow a gentleman to do these things for you but make it known that you are a capable woman and can take care of yourself. Know how to say "no" politely but firmly. A femme fatale is known for being dangerous, so she must also know how to avoid or escape danger with ease.
3.)Be a Lady- A woman can be very sexy and provocative and still remain classy. Leaving it to the imagination really is the best approach when it comes to the attire of a femme fatale. A below-the-knee skirt and silky blouse that shows no cleavage can be sexier than a bikini if you know how to use it. Practice sitting with your legs crossed, bending over to pick something up (not the Legally Blonde bend and snap!)and things like that in front of a mirror so you can see your own movements and how you can adjust them to be more ladylike, if needed.
When it comes to being a lady, pay close attention to table manners as well. Learn how to properly eat spaghetti (no knives to cut the pasta), learn when you should put your napkin on the table or in your lap and also know how to calculate a proper tip. Practice walking in heels, being poised and moving with grace. The classic femmes had great posture. My mother always said to envision a string going from the base of your spine and extending all the way up, into the sky. Always make sure that "string" is straight. And of course, a femme fatale and a lady tries to be subtle in her words, actions and appearance.
4.)Be honest- While bringing the spirit of the femme fatale into your own personality, be honest about yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not, don't be a blatant tease and don't let your statements overload your own capabilities. Many will argue that a femme fatale is supposed to be a double-crosser and very dishonest but the motive of a classic femme fatale is to entice a man to get what she wants.
Men are smarter than some women give them credit for so if you're dishonest, they won't be charmed by you- they'll be put off instead! Some believe that one of our favorite femmes, Mata Hari wasn't really a spy and that she lied and said that she was....and that's how she ended up being executed by a firing squad! So, learn by her mistake,always be honest!
5.)Have a Femme Fatale Attitude- I think of a Femme Fatale as being kind of a ball-buster. My mom talks about our ability of having "Irish Diplomacy" that is, the talent of telling someone to go to hell so they look forward to making the trip. A femme fatale should definitely have Irish Diplomacy! The best way to develop your femme fatale attitude is to study other great femmes. As always have a few sarcastic "quips" up your sleeve too!
Be a Femme Fatale
1.) Have interesting and mysterious hang-outs- and I don't mean dark alleys and parking garages. Try the mystery section of the library, a corner of a coffee shop or old book store, quaint jazz clubs and places like that. Frequent interesting places but don't compromise your safety. A femme fatale is more brains than beauty. Always stay safe and avoid shady bars and scary parts of the city.
2.) What will be, little lady? Your signature drink- A femme fatale has to have a signature drink. I love a good margarita but the image of a margarita says "college girls who want to get trashed" to me. You want a good, strong, mysterious drink. When I say strong, I mean personality, not alcohol content. :) Go for a dark, brooding merlot or really knock someone's socks off and say "I'll have a jack n' coke...with a cherry!" Not a drinker, no problem! Say,
"I'll just have an iced tea, doll." followed by a sharp "sweet" or "unsweetened".
3.)Have unique talents or hobbies- Believe it or not, I have quite a few femme fatale hobbies of my own. I love archery and weapons throwing (knives and axes) and have won first place in competitions for both. I love to bellydance too. It's a great work-out and its fun! My husband and I met at a sword fighting competition. Sadly, I wasn't one of the best sword fighters! You don't have to be a weapon-brandishing bad ass to be a femme fatale, though. Many femmes have foreign language skills, tech skills, are talented artists, dancers, etc.
4.) Study other Femmes- The best way to learn how to be a femme fatale is to watch other iconic femmes from the day. This week's Friday Night Fashion and a Movie post will feature classic film noir femmes to watch and learn from.
5.)Your Femme Fatale name- Just for fun...Take the first name of the best actress academy award winner from the year you were born. You can look it up here Take the last name of the meteorologist from your local news station. Mine is Geraldine Ehrhardt! SO glamorous!
Now get out there and flaunt your mystique and glamor! And don't forget to enter my Femme Fatale Giveaway coming this Saturday!!
Infamous Femmes Fatales Throughout History
It's day 2 of Femme Fatale Week on Va-Voom Vintage and today we're talking about real life deadly dames.
These are my top 5 favorite historical Femmes Fatales...
Queen of Egypt who married her brother and then seduced Julius Caesar to give her aid in leading a revolt against her brother. She gave birth to his son just 10 months after they first met (what a vixen!). After the death of Caesar, She took Marc Antony as her lover and persuaded him to execute her sister (who took sanctuary at a Roman temple)so that she would not lose her power over the Egyptian throne. Antony broke Roman law and executed the teenage Arsinoe on the steps of the temple. Modern science has concluded that Cleopatra was not a beauty but she had plenty of charm, intelligence, power and appeal to win over two of history's most powerful men.
Eleanor of Aquitaine

One of the most powerful women of the Middle Ages, Duchess of Aquitaine (at age 15), Queen of France, Queen of England and mother of Richard the Lionheart. In her younger years, Eleanor has the best of everything. She was skilled in several languages, literature, music and evening hunting. After the death of her parents, she was married and became Queen of France. It is said that even as a young woman (and a Queen) she dressed and spoke as she pleased. Gervase of Canterbury described her much later as "an exceedingly shrewd and clever woman, born of noble stock, but unstable and flighty." When she was in her early 50's, Eleanor and her 3 sons revolted against the King. She disguised herself as a man and tried to escape to France but she was captured and imprisoned for 16 years. Throughout her life, Eleanor went on crusades, built her empire and even founded the "Court of Love" where ladies with love problems could come to her and she would determine the best course of action for them.
Lucrezia Borgia

The beautiful Italian Renaissance femme fatale. The illegitimate daughter of Roderigo Borgia who later became Pope Alexander VI. "She is described as having heavy blonde hair which fell past her knees, a beautiful complexion, hazel eyes which constantly changed colour, a full, high bosom, and a natural grace which made her appear to "walk on air". Lucrezia's life was full of scandal and sex. She was married 3 times to very powerful men: Giovanni Sforza ,Alfonso of Aragon and Alfonso d'Este. She had many affairs with various men, including her bi-sexual brother in law and it is rumored that her first child was fathered by her own brother! Her second husband was murdered by her brother because he was jealous that his sister paid so much attention to her husband and not to him. It is also rumored that Lucrezia wore a hollowed out ring which she used to poison her enemies.
Queen Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn was the daughter of Thomas Boleyn and Elizabeth Boleyn, Earl and Countess of Wiltshire. She was educated in the Netherlands and France and became a lady in waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon. Anne's sister Mary became the mistress to the King and apparently gave birth to two of his children. King Henry soon became madly in love with Anne and tried to make her his mistress as well. Anne refused to be a lowly mistress and pressured the King to divorce his wife and marry her. When the Pope refused to annul Henry's marriage to Queen Catherine, Anne Boleyn and her family conspired to make Anne Queen of England. When the Boleyn family chaplain became Archbishop of Canterbury, he annulled the King's marriage to Catherine and married Henry and Anne. The Pope excommunicated everyone involved and the Church of England broke from the Pope's religious reign in Rome, starting a political and religious upheaval (all because Anne wanted to be Queen and Henry wanted to get her in bed!) The people of England hated Queen Anne and called her a witch and a whore. After she couldn't bear a male heir to the throne, fickle Henry became sick of her and had her arrested, charged for incest, adultery and treason. He claimed that she used spells to capture his affections. She was executed by beheading on May 19th 1536.
Mata Hari

Exotic dancer, executed for espionage in 1917. Mata Hari is a very mysterious character in history. No one really knows if she was indeed a spy or if she was a scapegoat. At any rate, rumors suggest that she blew a kiss to the firing squad before they executed her (or that her lawyer and former lover was present and the kiss was intended for him). Another rumor suggests that she flung open her coat to reveal her naked body and proclaimed "Harlot, yes, but traitor, never!" and that her last words were "Merci monsieur.". During her lifetime, Mata Hari had many lovers and even became the mistress of a French millionaire. She was scandalous, seductive and dangerous!
These are my top 5 favorite historical Femmes Fatales...
Queen of Egypt who married her brother and then seduced Julius Caesar to give her aid in leading a revolt against her brother. She gave birth to his son just 10 months after they first met (what a vixen!). After the death of Caesar, She took Marc Antony as her lover and persuaded him to execute her sister (who took sanctuary at a Roman temple)so that she would not lose her power over the Egyptian throne. Antony broke Roman law and executed the teenage Arsinoe on the steps of the temple. Modern science has concluded that Cleopatra was not a beauty but she had plenty of charm, intelligence, power and appeal to win over two of history's most powerful men.
Eleanor of Aquitaine

One of the most powerful women of the Middle Ages, Duchess of Aquitaine (at age 15), Queen of France, Queen of England and mother of Richard the Lionheart. In her younger years, Eleanor has the best of everything. She was skilled in several languages, literature, music and evening hunting. After the death of her parents, she was married and became Queen of France. It is said that even as a young woman (and a Queen) she dressed and spoke as she pleased. Gervase of Canterbury described her much later as "an exceedingly shrewd and clever woman, born of noble stock, but unstable and flighty." When she was in her early 50's, Eleanor and her 3 sons revolted against the King. She disguised herself as a man and tried to escape to France but she was captured and imprisoned for 16 years. Throughout her life, Eleanor went on crusades, built her empire and even founded the "Court of Love" where ladies with love problems could come to her and she would determine the best course of action for them.
Lucrezia Borgia

The beautiful Italian Renaissance femme fatale. The illegitimate daughter of Roderigo Borgia who later became Pope Alexander VI. "She is described as having heavy blonde hair which fell past her knees, a beautiful complexion, hazel eyes which constantly changed colour, a full, high bosom, and a natural grace which made her appear to "walk on air". Lucrezia's life was full of scandal and sex. She was married 3 times to very powerful men: Giovanni Sforza ,Alfonso of Aragon and Alfonso d'Este. She had many affairs with various men, including her bi-sexual brother in law and it is rumored that her first child was fathered by her own brother! Her second husband was murdered by her brother because he was jealous that his sister paid so much attention to her husband and not to him. It is also rumored that Lucrezia wore a hollowed out ring which she used to poison her enemies.
Queen Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn was the daughter of Thomas Boleyn and Elizabeth Boleyn, Earl and Countess of Wiltshire. She was educated in the Netherlands and France and became a lady in waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon. Anne's sister Mary became the mistress to the King and apparently gave birth to two of his children. King Henry soon became madly in love with Anne and tried to make her his mistress as well. Anne refused to be a lowly mistress and pressured the King to divorce his wife and marry her. When the Pope refused to annul Henry's marriage to Queen Catherine, Anne Boleyn and her family conspired to make Anne Queen of England. When the Boleyn family chaplain became Archbishop of Canterbury, he annulled the King's marriage to Catherine and married Henry and Anne. The Pope excommunicated everyone involved and the Church of England broke from the Pope's religious reign in Rome, starting a political and religious upheaval (all because Anne wanted to be Queen and Henry wanted to get her in bed!) The people of England hated Queen Anne and called her a witch and a whore. After she couldn't bear a male heir to the throne, fickle Henry became sick of her and had her arrested, charged for incest, adultery and treason. He claimed that she used spells to capture his affections. She was executed by beheading on May 19th 1536.
Mata Hari

Exotic dancer, executed for espionage in 1917. Mata Hari is a very mysterious character in history. No one really knows if she was indeed a spy or if she was a scapegoat. At any rate, rumors suggest that she blew a kiss to the firing squad before they executed her (or that her lawyer and former lover was present and the kiss was intended for him). Another rumor suggests that she flung open her coat to reveal her naked body and proclaimed "Harlot, yes, but traitor, never!" and that her last words were "Merci monsieur.". During her lifetime, Mata Hari had many lovers and even became the mistress of a French millionaire. She was scandalous, seductive and dangerous!
It's Femme Fatale Week!

Hello, everyone!
I'm very pleased to announce that the October/November issue of Vintage Life Magazine is now available, featuring my article "How to be a Femme Fatale". So, this week is Femme Fatale week on Va-Voom Vintage!
I've always been in love with the sultry, dangerous character of the femme fatale so this week, we'll talk about dangerous ladies throughout history, our favorite film noir beauties, alluring fashions and of course, a femme fatale giveaway at the end of the week!
My femme fatale photo shoot was a blast! Pj was my talented photographer and we shot these pics in an old asylum, which is now a home for developmentally disabled adults. It was very creepy but fun! :) Here are some of my pics from the shoot, more coming later this week...
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