I've always used any ol' brush to brush out my pin curls. I switched between bristle types sometimes but I've never been a slave to brands. For months, I've heard vintage girls rave about the Denman brush so I finally picked one up from Sally's and gave it a try. I wasn't expecting anything different than my Wetbrush or other plastic bristle brush but after trying it on a pin curl set, I'm definitely a Denman convert! You can find this brush at Sallys or on Amazon
It's the perfect tool for vintage styles but it also works beautifully on my daughter's easily tangled hair. The weight of the rubber bristle base feels great in the hand and I couldn't be happier with it. I posted a live brush-out video on the Va-Voom Vintage Facebook page so you can see how I brush out my daily pin curls and how the Denman brush works. Check my live video on facebook for questions and answers or leave a comment here!
Check out my tutorials page for more vintage hair and beauty tutorials
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