hair tutorials
vintage for beginners
vintage living
I wonder if this is the same pink beauty soap that belonged to Mrs. Maisel's mom, Rose and was off limits to Susie in The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel? Camay soap hit the shelves in 1926 and according to Amazon reviews has been a favorite of women for decades. Some have only ever used this soap because its what their mothers and grandmothers used. Camay started out as a pure white soap since many soaps of the day were colored to mask impurities and perfections but it eventually evolved in to the perfumed pink bar that graced so many soap dishes and bath tubs for decades. These days Camay isn't sold in many stores in the US but it can still be found online. Some die hard fans stock the bars by the case in fear that Procter and Gamble will stop making it.
Frownies facial patches
Vintage Skin Care Products That You Can Still Buy
If you're curious about how our grandmothers and decades of women before us kept their skin beautiful, look no further than your local drugstore or Amazon! There are so many tried and true products that are still on the market and many haven't changed after all this time! Here are just a few vintage skin care products that you can still buy. Do you use any of these in your beauty regimen already?
I have been an avid Clean and Clear facial cleanser user since my teen years. I always have a bottle of it next to my bathroom sink. Its not too drying but maintains my troublesome combination skin and keeps breakouts under control. I love the way it smells and the simple translucent orange is cheery. I've tried some of their other cleansers but I always go back to the classic. At less than $5, its always been a trusty product when I was a teen who bought my own skin care to my life now as a stay at home mom on a budget. I only wish it still came in the adorable pink bottle!
For over 100 years, Nivea has been a staple for both men and women of all backgrounds. When my husband was a roofer and came home with chapped, dry skin from the harsh wind whipping him on the roof all day, the solution from my makeup drawer was a little blue tin of Nivea. As a housewife without a dishwasher, I keep some by my kitchen sink when my hands turn dry as parchment in the winter.
Noxzema was one beauty product that I never could like. As a teen when I had a breakout at my dad's house over the weekend, he busted out a tall jar of this eucalyptus scented heavy cream and suggested that I smear it all over the affected area. After my devotion to light and fresh Clean and Clear cleanser, I decided against Noxzema. Noxzema was originally marketed for vacationers after a sunburn and it is still widely used for that purpose today as the cream moisturizes and the camphor relieves pain. I've never personally used it as a sunburn relief but I'm curious to hear if any of you have!
When I first became interested in vintage fashion and beauty, I bought a jar of Ponds cold cream to try it out. I loved it for my dry forehead but it ended up being bad news for my oily areas. I did like the light floral perfumed scent and the ritual of dipping into and removing my makeup with the whipped white cream. When my kids were little, they loved to break into my makeup drawer and smash lipsticks and smear concealers. Thank goodness for Ponds cold cream because I was able to easily clean up the mess from their delicate skin without too much scrubbing or harsh soap.
Frownies facial patches
Frownies were invented in 1889 by a mother for her daughter, Alice who was a pianist. Alice developed frown lines while focusing on her playing but after using her mother's patches, they vanished! Alice's mother, Margaret Kroesen launched her company and sold the miracle patches. Today the Frownies formula is unchanged and the company is still owned and operated by a woman.
The original pink beauty fluid was invented for a chemist's wife as an alternative to the thick, heavy creams of its time. Over the decades, Olay has remained a beauty staple for women of all ages in moisturizers, eye and night creams and targeted beauty treatments. My mom always had a jar of Olay and when I turned 30 and called mom and grandma for advice on what I should start using to keep my skin looking as incredible as theirs, they both recommended Olay. Although Olay has bloomed into a huge line of skin products, the original pink fluid is still a classic.
free patterns
Two weeks ago we had over a foot of snow dumped on us in two days. I can't remember the last time we had so much snow! I spent the day inside, making hot cocoa for the kids and working on craft tutorials. I did have to bundle up and go work on a snow man at one point.
I stashed all of my vintage coats away for the season and since I had been wearing my red hooded coat recently I haven't taken them out of storage yet. I rooted through some totes and found this 60s coat with a beautiful warm fur collar. I love these high collars when its really windy.
I also wore my favorite headband that I knitted from a free 1950s pattern. I wear this headband a few times a week at least and I really should knit some in different colors. Its very wide so I wear it often on bad hair days but its also a cute pin curl scarf.
Sometimes I wear it with a high bun. I really can't get enough of it. I finally had a chance to wear it for its designated ear-warming purpose on this day though and it was very cozy. I might make one and line it with fleece for even more wind proofing.
Did you get any snow where you live?
Outfit: Snow Day and a free knitting pattern
Two weeks ago we had over a foot of snow dumped on us in two days. I can't remember the last time we had so much snow! I spent the day inside, making hot cocoa for the kids and working on craft tutorials. I did have to bundle up and go work on a snow man at one point.
I stashed all of my vintage coats away for the season and since I had been wearing my red hooded coat recently I haven't taken them out of storage yet. I rooted through some totes and found this 60s coat with a beautiful warm fur collar. I love these high collars when its really windy.
I also wore my favorite headband that I knitted from a free 1950s pattern. I wear this headband a few times a week at least and I really should knit some in different colors. Its very wide so I wear it often on bad hair days but its also a cute pin curl scarf.
Did you get any snow where you live?
On the last day at grandma's house, Pj woke up first. He stepped outside and quickly came back in to tell me there was a deer laying down in the yard right by the house! I slipped on my sweater and we quietly opened the back door facing the meadow to find a mama and two deer right in the back yard!
My grandma told us there was a mom and two baby deer who lived nearby. She saw one of the babies very shortly after it was born because its legs were still wobbly. They don't seem to mind grandma since she lives here but when they saw us, they dashed off with their white tails flashing behind them. It was such a neat thing to see first thing in the morning!
I love this meadow year round but the winter is such a beautiful time to see it. In the summer, there is a lot of overgrowth and you have to be careful out here to not step on a snake or something but in the winter, everything is dormant and you can really see every little plant and patch of moss close to the ground.
There are these pretty little fern type plants that creep along the ground and they look so fragile but from the frost the other morning and the running deer, I can tell that they're stronger than they look. Although I do miss the wild daisies that come with summer in this area, there's something to be said about the little hidden things that come when the flowers die off for the season.
Today I wore one of my favorite tops that I made with Simplicity 1364 and a skirt I made with vintage wool fabric with a stack of matching bakelite. This top is one I plan to sew again and again. I wore another made from this pattern recently but I did something funky with the neckline and it didn't turn out as the 60s slash neck top that I hoped so this time I was more careful to follow the instructions and take my time.
These fruit salad earrings are some of my favorites and they really don't get enough wear for how much I love them. I found them on my birthday two years ago. Pj and I had the day off while the kids were in school so we went to my favorite antique mall and I found these earrings and an applejuice bakelite bangle with glitter in it! What an amazing day of birthday shopping that was! You can read more about how to identify bakelite here
Outfit: Morning in the Meadow
I love this meadow year round but the winter is such a beautiful time to see it. In the summer, there is a lot of overgrowth and you have to be careful out here to not step on a snake or something but in the winter, everything is dormant and you can really see every little plant and patch of moss close to the ground.
There are these pretty little fern type plants that creep along the ground and they look so fragile but from the frost the other morning and the running deer, I can tell that they're stronger than they look. Although I do miss the wild daisies that come with summer in this area, there's something to be said about the little hidden things that come when the flowers die off for the season.
Today I wore one of my favorite tops that I made with Simplicity 1364 and a skirt I made with vintage wool fabric with a stack of matching bakelite. This top is one I plan to sew again and again. I wore another made from this pattern recently but I did something funky with the neckline and it didn't turn out as the 60s slash neck top that I hoped so this time I was more careful to follow the instructions and take my time.
Blouse- made by me from Simplicity 1364
Skirt- Made by me with vintage fabric
Shoes- BAIT Footwear
Vintage fruit earrings- St. Charles Antique Mall
Bakelite bangles- various places
Outfit: Red Riding Hood
This dress has been in my closet since I finished it but I've been waiting for some chilly weather to wear it. I made this dress from Simplicity 8253 in plaid flannel. I really liked the 3/4 length sleeves and boat neck top but I think this dress still needs a few tweaks to get it just right.
I have some gray knit fabric in my stash so I might make up another one of these because they're very comfortable and it was a quick sew. In fact, its snowing today so that might be the perfect snow day project!
Anyway, one day Pj was off work so we headed out in the morning after the kids got on the bus for a walk along main street. I love main street in the early mornings or evenings, when the shops aren't open.
Its so quiet and the sidewalks are completely empty so you can really stop and enjoy the beautiful buildings and peek in the shop windows. Behind me here in a sweet shop that we love to take the kids to on Saturdays and you can get a perfect view of the Missouri river and watch the occasional barge go by.
This red coat was a lucky thrift store find at the end of the fall. I went to the thrifts that day hoping to find a good everyday coat. So many of my vintage coats have fur collars or shorter sleeves and I'm not always in the mood for that kind of thing. When I take the kids to the bus in the morning or go on wintery walks, I just want a good warm coat with a hood to block the biting wind and nice deep pockets.
This had all of those things for less than $10! Its a little oversized too so I sometimes throw it in the back seat with the kids on long drives so they can cozy up under it. I also love bright colors in the fall.
I don't know why so many winter coats are black. I have some black coats too but its so nice to wear bright bold colors when its gloomy and cold out. I've been searching for something pink but no luck so far so I might have to make one for next winter.
plaid dress- made by me with Simplicity 8253
red coat- thrifted
belt- Unique Vintage
shoes- Target

On the first morning we spent at my grandmas house, we woke up to the most beautiful frost glazing every inch of the leaves, brambles and grass. It was a sunny, very cold morning and everything glittered. I wish the camera would have picked up the diamond dust look of it all but I don't think the pictures did it justice at all. You can see a sparkle here and there but its nothing like being there in person.
Speaking of freezing your butt off, I totally did not wear these shoes for any period of time that day. My sister in law got me a really cute pair of brown and pink fuzzy lined moccasins for Christmas and I basically live in them now but they don't go with every outfit so sometimes I slip into something pretty just for pictures and then slip right back into my cozy moccasins.
Outfit: Diamond Dust and Golden Skies
On the first morning we spent at my grandmas house, we woke up to the most beautiful frost glazing every inch of the leaves, brambles and grass. It was a sunny, very cold morning and everything glittered. I wish the camera would have picked up the diamond dust look of it all but I don't think the pictures did it justice at all. You can see a sparkle here and there but its nothing like being there in person.
I'm glad that we went out to snap some pictures of my outfit because otherwise I would have been curled up under my warm blankets watching Lucy Worsley documentaries on YouTube, wearing my pajamas that say "Eggstra Sleepy" with fried eggs all over them. The frost only lasted about 2 hours after the sun came up and we haven't had another frost like it since. Some things are worth freezing your butt off for.
Speaking of freezing your butt off, I totally did not wear these shoes for any period of time that day. My sister in law got me a really cute pair of brown and pink fuzzy lined moccasins for Christmas and I basically live in them now but they don't go with every outfit so sometimes I slip into something pretty just for pictures and then slip right back into my cozy moccasins.
Sometimes my slippers are just out of the frame so I can hop right out of these heels before going back inside. On this day, though, the slippers were inside and these heels sank right into the slightly softened rocks and moss and I fell over!
While taking these pictures, I heard a noise that sounded like a hyena coming from the tree line. I looked over and saw about 6 wild turkeys hopping down from the trees to start their morning. I didn't know turkeys hang out in trees but apparently they root in high branches over night to stay safe from predators on the ground.
On this day I wore a plaid skirt that I made by taking apart a too small, heavily pleated thrift store skirt and made it into a pencil skirt for myself. I also re-wore my Dolly and Dotty Sabrina cape, (see it again here) which is one of my favorite accessories. I was on the phone with my sister one day, talking about work dress codes and she said her work has a code against wearing capes. She said " Who wears a cape?!" and I said "Dude, I wore one this morning." She laughed "Of course you did!"
This vintage purse was an amazing Goodwill Outlet find. I arrived on a very busy Saturday, not expecting to find anything and it was just sitting in a bin! With how popular this style has been lately, I couldn't believe no one else picked it up. I snapped it up for 25 cents. Its so pretty, it usually sits on top of a vintage cabinet in my living room when not in use. You can find this exact same vintage style bamboo purse
on Amazon and it comes in a few different colors!
Sabrina Cape- Dolly and Dotty
Vintage Peasant Blouse- Estate sale
Pencil Skirt- made by me
Shoes- BAIT footwear
vintage style bamboo purse
- shop similar
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Outfit: Art School
I love so many of the beautiful old buildings in my neighborhood. One near home is an old school that was recently bought by a family of artists and creators and they turned it into a beautiful art studio. The owner, Mary has been working hard on her pretty patio outside and I stopped on my walk one day when it was somewhat warm to take some pictures.
She has a patch of decorative kale that is just as pretty as any flower and seeing how well hers is doing is inspiring me to plant some in my winter garden too.
On a few occasions while walking around this area, I've bumped into people who attended elementary school in this building and they told me stories about the cafeteria catching on fire one day and how they would walk to a nearby candy shop around the corner, which is now an empty field.
This amazing brooch was a lucky find in a bargain basket at an antique mall. Its one of my favorites and I thought it was perfect to wear with the arts building.
My mom is a professional artist (book and tarot illustrator) and my grandpa was an art teacher and is an amazing watercolor artist so paint palettes hold a special place in my heart.
I wonder what the neighborhood was like when this big building was full of children playing and school buses dropping them off in the parking lot. I wish I could have walked the kids to the candy shop for treats and soda.
This cardigan is a vintage find that I picked up in a thrift shop when my kids were babies so its kind of in need of replacement, I think. Its so soft and I love the collar and the fit but its pilling and had has its share of repairs. I think I'm going to knit a replacement as soon as I finish my current project but I haven't found just the right pattern yet. Do let me know if you find a good match!
peasant top- thirfted
vintage sweater- thrifted
mustard skirt- thirfted
ballet flats- Target
palette brooch- St Charles Antique Mall
wicker and Lucite purse-Antique Mall of Creve Coeur
When my grandma moved to her home in the country, one of the things I loved most about the house was this big old tree with the tire swing. My kids have played on it since they were old enough to hang on tight and every time we come, the run right for it. My yard doesn't have any trees or I would definitely have a swing on a strong branch too.
This top is one of my favorites. I will probably wear it til it falls to pieces, even though I've already sewn a few with the same pattern. This is Simplicity 1364. I love 3/4 length sleeves and the retro slash neck top.
Tiger print top- made by me from Simplicity 1364
plaid pants- thrifted
lace inlay shoes- thrifted
bakelite bangles- various antique shops
Outfit: Tire Swing
When my grandma moved to her home in the country, one of the things I loved most about the house was this big old tree with the tire swing. My kids have played on it since they were old enough to hang on tight and every time we come, the run right for it. My yard doesn't have any trees or I would definitely have a swing on a strong branch too.
This top is one of my favorites. I will probably wear it til it falls to pieces, even though I've already sewn a few with the same pattern. This is Simplicity 1364. I love 3/4 length sleeves and the retro slash neck top.
The style pairs great with skirts but its easy to throw on with some jeans to run to the store or the kids school without being too dressy. This top was my first try at knit fabrics and its so much easier to work with than I thought it would be. I found this funny childlike tiger print fabric at JoAnne's and just fell in love with it. I wish they had more animal prints like this.
The pants are a thrift store find. I spent a weekend hunting for some 60s-ish style pants in my size and I managed to find a couple of pairs of wool pants that aren't itchy. I did a little alteration on these by taking them in at the leg just a smidge and sewing a little slash at the ankle so they aren't too snug there.
They've turned out to be some of my favorite pants for winter. I doubt they'll see the light of day once our humid spring and summer weather hits so I'm wearing them while I can!
The pants are a thrift store find. I spent a weekend hunting for some 60s-ish style pants in my size and I managed to find a couple of pairs of wool pants that aren't itchy. I did a little alteration on these by taking them in at the leg just a smidge and sewing a little slash at the ankle so they aren't too snug there.
They've turned out to be some of my favorite pants for winter. I doubt they'll see the light of day once our humid spring and summer weather hits so I'm wearing them while I can!
plaid pants- thrifted
lace inlay shoes- thrifted
bakelite bangles- various antique shops
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