Welcome Back to Va-Voom Vintage
It’s been a very long time since my last post here. I think there’s no better way to do something than to jump right in and do it so here I am! In the few years I’ve been away from blogging I’ve been raising chickens and kids and we homeschooled during covid which put this blog on the back burner. We had a lot of fun but the kids are happily back in school with their friends again and I’m ready to get back to doing the things I love to
I never thought I’d homeschool but with the options given during the pandemic, it seemed like the best for the kids. We converted my dining room into a classroom and also took our school work to the forest by the Missouri River every chance we got. We did read-alouds and science projects in the back yard and my husband taught math when he got home from work. I never went to college so I didn’t know how I’d do as a teacher but after they went back to school, they both came home with excellent grades, which made me very proud of them but also proud of myself for teaching them. It was a lot of fun but everyone is glad to be back, myself included.
In 2022 we took our time adjusting to the world of early morning bus stops, packing lunches, homework and life. I started a big garden, raised a small flock of chickens (who are extremely spoiled) and learned how to preserve the food I grew. I definitely missed sleeping in during home school mornings but the quiet afternoons home alone are absolutely wonderful.
I found myself putting most of my vintage wardrobe aside during that time too. Being stuck at home and doing messy projects, I stuck to comfy, wash and wear things a lot. Over the past few months I’ve been rooting through tubs of dresses and sewing patterns and making new Pinterest boards with pretty clothes that I want to wear.
I also started designing fabrics and opened my Spoonflower shop. I’ve spent most of my free time doing that and cross stitching, which are both things I always wanted to learn to do. This blog was such a big part of my life for so many years, it was strange to do things without documenting them. There’s been a lot of things I made that I never took pictures of. Through our homeschool days I realized that I absolutely love teaching and sharing things that interest me with someone else. Over the past few years I found myself thinking “wouldn’t this be fun to share on the blog?”
Blogging has changed so much since I’ve been away. Even the Blogger interface looks different so it’ll be fun learning to do blog stuff and use social media all over again.
Missing Photos and New Videos on Youtube
Oh you may also notice that tons of my old posts are missing photos! Major bummer. I was messing around in my web albums one night in 2019 when I got distracted and accidentally deleted entire albums of photos with a single click. Years of work gone! I’ve been able to find some of them on old memory cards or Pinterest pins but a lot of them are gone for good. I got in a funk about it for a while til one day I had an email from a reader. She asked of I had photos of one of my old hat tutorials because she learns much better with visual help. I realized that I’ll just have to go back and redo some of those old photos but this time, I can make YouTube videos to go with them!
Anyway, hello again, old friend. Welcome back to my blog. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to and any new, fun, kinda scary, weird things you’ve tried or places you visited in the past few years!
Outfit: My Tilly and the Buttons Coco Tunic
5 Red Lipstick Alternatives on a Budget
It's a new year and great time to try new things. Last week I cleaned out my vanity drawers and took stock of my makeup. I realized I had a lot of red lipsticks but I really wanted to try something different. I popped into Ulta and picked up a few non-red shades to sample. I like to wear peachy and pink colors with my 60s looks. I usually wear NYX Stockholm, which will forever be a favorite.
Here are 5 alternatives to red lipstick to try. Since they're all $6 and under, you can sample a few hues from these brands and see what you like.
Wet n' Wild Megalast in "Don't Blink Pink"
Wet n' Wild Megalast Matte lipsticks (in addition to NYX matte) are my tried and true go-to lipsticks. They have some gorgeous reds in the same colors as high priced brands with great staying power. Some people don't care for the dryness than comes with matte lipsticks but I slick on a little lip balm and it does the trick. I don't typically go for pink lips but I thought it would be fun to try something totally different so I went with Don't Blink Pink. This is a bold pink with high pigment and solid smooth application. I still don't know if I like this color on me but I think it would be amazing on darker or olive skin tones.
Wet n' Wild Silk Finish in "Sunset Peach"
If you don't like the dry matte formula, try the silk finish formula for a creamier texture, wash of color and a light shimmer. This is a great sheer peachy coral for daily wear.
Elf Jumbo Lip Gloss Stick in "Pink Umbrellas"
As a teen, I wore so much lip gloss, you could see yourself in the reflection of my lips. These days, I tend to stick to matte lips but I thought I'd give this a try. I absolutely love this beautiful lightweight color! It adds a little natural looking blush to a colorless lip and its light, creamy and sheer, not sticky like a traditional gloss.
NYX matte lipstick in Indie Flick
I can go on and on for days about NYX cosmetics. I've never tried anything from them that I don't love. With the quality of MAC and the price of ELF, you gotta love NYX. Indie Flick is my favorite lipstick of all time. This bright orange/coral appears exactly as it is in the tube with a deep, heavy pigment and light feeling formula. These lipsticks have great staying power and aren't as drying as Wet N' Wild. With a great price, you can try the whole range of colors.
NYC Expert Last in "Coralista"
NYC is the brand I always turn to when I've misplaced something or I'm out of town and forgot to pack my liquid liner. Although NYC is a really cheap drugstore brand, these lipsticks are highly pigmented with a nice creamy texture. They have pretty good staying power as well.
Outfit: Baking in Blue

Winter is my favorite time of year to bake! The oven heats this tiny house up so much in the warmer months so I like to pull out my Pyrex and bake as much as possible while it is still cold out. Every month I stock the freezer with homemade waffles, breakfast sandwiches and burritos for Pj's work week and snacks for the kids like mini pizzas, zucchini muffins, and banana bread.

I really do wear aprons while I bake. I'm very messy and I often wipe my hands on my lap so the apron catches all of that flour and wet hands. I found this cute blue gingham apron at an antique shop in my neighborhood. They always have such cute vintage linens. Although I don't display my vintage tablecloths very often, my aprons are all lined up on a rack in the kitchen. I usually wear a durable (not so cute) canvas apron for daily housework but this one matched my outfit too perfectly to not take it for a spin today.
These vintage metal canisters are one of my favorite things in my kitchen. They belonged to my Great Grandma Alma and she had them on her countertop for years. I remember her dipping her hand in the flour to make her famous buckwheat pancakes or rum cake for Christmas. Now they sit on my counter with her little grey metal box full of her handwritten recipe cards.

After baking, I had some leftovers for lunch while I got caught up on The Crown. Last night I made Romanian Stuffed Peppers and Savory Cheese Pie, both recipes from Jo Cooks. Her blog is one of my favorites for recipes! These stuffed peppers are so good. They've been on my regular rotation for quite a while! I even found the right kind of peppers at a local-global foods grocery store but I've also used regular bell peppers and they're fantastic. Perfect for a cold winter night.
Can you really download 83,500 vintage sewing pattern on wiki?
For some, its the excitement of those beautiful dress that you could make at home. For others, it's the chain e-mail of Facebook. Your friends send it, its in every sewing group. I won't link to it because it doesn't need to be shared anywhere else, you've already seen it 20 times this month. It's the article about wiki releasing all of those vintage sewing patterns ripe for downloading!
Let's talk about what the Vintage Sewing Patterns Wikia is and isn't. Even though you can't download 83,500 patterns from it (bummer, right?!), how you can use it and even get patterns from it...because it really is a cool thing!
The Vintage Sewing Patterns Wikia is a collaborative effort from sewing pattern collectors over the globe to categorize and document patterns that are 25 years and older. They upload images of the covers and descriptions. Each entry has spots for blog posts reviewing the patterns so you can see what they look like when sewn and if the person who made it has any tips for you as you navigate sewing the garment. Some entries also have links to purchase the original paper patterns from various sellers online. The people who have contributed their time, knowledge and effort to this project are amazing!
What the Vintage Sewing Patterns Wikia isnt:
It is not a source to download a massive collection of vintage sewing patterns.
Someone wrote an article with a very misleading headline and it has spread like wildfire all over social media. Many patterns are still under copyright (I'm looking at you, Vogue) and scanning/remastering these delicate paper patterns for the general public would be an unbelievably big undertaking. Sorry, you can't download the patterns. There's just photos of the pattern covers.
There are loads of downloadable and even free vintage sewing patterns online, just check out my free patterns page but you won't find them on Wikia.
What the Vintage Sewing Patterns Wikia is:
An amazing resource to date your sewing patterns. Search by the pattern maker and number and you can easily find the date of your sewing pattern. If you need something for a very specific event such as reenacting, this is a wonderful tool to make sure your dress is accurate to a specific time period.
A massive database of style inspiration. I love to look at vintage magazines and patterns to help me put together outfits. Use the database to find outfit ideas for vintage events, your vacation ensembles or just daily wear. Sewing a swimsuit this summer? Just type the decade and swimsuit into the search bar!
Build your pattern collection. If your're looking for rare sewing patterns or something out of print, you can often find a link to buy the paper pattern through the wikia. You can even add patterns to your wishlist so users can contact you if they have a copy that they're ready to sell. These are original vintage paper copies of the patterns although you may occasionally find a vendor who has some downloads but most of them are not.
If you're looking primarily for PDF download patterns, check out Mrs. Depew Vintage, Wearing History, Charm Patterns by Gertie
Connect with others. Check out the comments and forums to connect with other vintage sewing enthusiasts and get help with navigating the site or searching for a particular pattern and size. You can also find new sewing blogs to follow through the blog post reviews of each pattern.
So while that original headline wasn't true, the Vintage Sewing Patterns Wikia is a fantastic tool. Many people have been working for years to build the database. Please do share the site with long term and newbie sewists. And if you see that silly article circulating again, that's a great opportunity to showcase how awesome our sewing community is and how willing they are to share their knowledge and time with us.
Free Pattern 1950s Sequin Crochet Holiday Accessories
Most of my free patterns are knitted but here's a spectacular one for crochet from 1952. This pattern includes sequin covered lounge slippers, evening handkerchief, earrings, necklace, hair combs, comb case and and compact case. The slippers are knitted with lastex yarn. If you've never crocheted with sequins before, the pattern includes instructions for that as well.
You can find similar modern yarns made with nylon and polyamide for socks from sites like loveknitting.com. You can still find slipper soles for crochet also or if you're handy with a leather punch, you can make your own with real or faux leather.
vintage knitting resources:
resizing knitting patterns from By Gum By Golly
vintage knitting needle conversion chart from Vintage Stitch-o-Rama
discontinued yarn chart from Purple Kitty
Free Pattern: 1950s Gloves with striped gauntlet
Get ready for winter weather with these spectacular gloves with a puffy striped gauntlet from 1952. Imagine the color combination possibilities: classic black and white, black a chartreuse (a favorite of mine!) or alternate the colors of the stripes!
vintage knitting resources:
resizing knitting patterns from By Gum By Golly
vintage knitting needle conversion chart from Vintage Stitch-o-Rama
discontinued yarn chart from Purple Kitty
Teen hair scarves and fashions from 1947
If you enjoyed this post, check out my other vintage beauty and fashion magazines
Vintage Market Days of St. Louis
This morning, my new friend Erin picked me up and we went to Vintage Market Days of St Louis at Chesterfield Mall. I've never been to Vintage Market Days even though it's been popping up in St Louis for years so I was really excited to be able to go this year.

Vintage Market days is happening all weekend, til 6pm on Friday, 10am to 6pm on Saturday and 10am to 3pm on Sunday. Admission for Saturday and Sunday is $5. Most of the market is indoors so even if your autumn plans get rained out this weekend, there's still fun to be had in Chesterfield!
If you're not in the area, check out the Vintage Market Days website for upcoming events across the country.
Before the doors opened they had several vendors set up outside along with live music and food/ trucks. There was a huge turn out of people this year so the various lines for the door and trucks snaked all throughout the outdoor market area. We only waited a few minutes before the doors opened and the line moved very quickly. Once inside, Erin and I realized how many people were shopping at the booths around the entrance so we headed straight for the back of the market, which was much less crowded and there was a lot of space to look around at everything. I love these beautiful textured glasses. They look like jewels, don't they?

The vendors at Vintage Market Days were a good mix of handmades and vintage. There was a beautiful plant booth, which caught our eye right away because we're both plant ladies. The far back booth had clothes, jewelry and vintage oddities like antique doll parts and small vintage medical items. I love these strange pieces of the past.

Since Christmas is just around the corner, there was a good sprinkling of vintage shiny brite ornaments and Christmas tree including a very well priced aluminum tree that I wanted but I already have one and I don't know how I would fit a 3rd tree in my tiny house! I'm surprised at my self control in not buying any of the adorable 1950s elf figures and ceramic trees for sale.
We didn't find much in the way of vintage clothes but one of my finds was this beautiful dance compact purse. It has damaged fabric and a broken mirror but you know me, I love a fixer upper project so I can't wait to take this compact apart and replace the broken pieces so I can use it! It has a place for powder, blush, a tiny lipstick touch-up, change slots, a spot for cash and even a business card/calling card holder behind the mirror. A lady would have been able to carry everything she needed for a night out in this little compact. I saw a post about these on Facebook a few weeks ago so I was really excited to find one in person. The vendor was equally excited that I opened it and knew exactly what it was!

thrifted head to toe today, except for my beret, which is from Five Below